April Trip - Art Gallery of Ontario

    The Art Gallery of Ontario ( referred to as AGO) is located in the centre of Toronto. It is the eighth largest art museum in North America, with an area of 45,000 square meters. One, and the other two are in Ottawa and Montreal. There are more than 80,000 pieces in the collection, and the time span is from 100 AD to the present. On the last day of April, all the teachers and students of the school visited the Art Gallery of Ontario together.

    The collection includes the largest collection of Canadian art, as well as art from the Renaissance to the Baroque, European art, African art, ocean art, and modern and contemporary art. The largest part of the collection is photographs, as well as drawings and prints. There are many heavyweight sculptures in the museum, among which Henry Moore's sculptures are the most famous. This museum is world-renowned for its collection of works by the British sculptor Henry Moore, with about 20 statues in the collection (including the one outside the main entrance. A huge bronze work for children to drill and climb). The collection also involves a variety of other art forms, such as historical relics, oil paintings, books, medieval graphics, film and video, graphic design, installation works, architecture and ship models.