Dear Parent or student (if age 18 or older):
Prior to coming to Canada, parents or students (over age 18) must complete this attestation indicating the following as it relates to the trip to Canada and a 14-day quarantine period after your arrival.
If you have any questions about statements below, please contact Elite Academic School prior to completion.
Note: The term “student” is intended to be inclusive and refers to parents of the child or the students they are age 18 or older.
Check each box to agree.
I have read and understood the Quarantine Protocol of Elite Academic School.
I understand I will have a COVID-19 or antibody medical clearance letter/certificate with me at the time
when I arrive in Canada.
I understand that prior to coming to Canada/before arranging a trip to Canada, the student must complete this Attestation.
I understand that the student needs to make a quarantine plan before entering Canada.
I understand that the stuent will down ArriveCAN and finish the application for approval to enter Canada.
I understand that the student must finish self-assessment COVID-19 self assessment online tool and self-screening Screening Tool For Children and if the student is feeling ill, they must remain home and inform Elite Academic School immediately.
I understand that the student must enter the token number given by Canadian Customs at the airport into the ArriveCAN app for the Canadian government to monitor their quarantine. Failure to do so may result in a fine.
I understand that the student will start a 14-day quarantine as soon as they arrive in Canada.
I understand that after the student arriving in Canada, Government of Canada officials will call the student to monitor compliance with the mandatory quarantine. The student must be prepared to answer calls from 1-855-906-5585 or 613-221-3100.
I understand that that the student must do self-screening Screening Tool For Children everyday and be prepared to answer calls/text messages from Elite Academic School.
I understand that the student must contact Elite Academic School immediately if the students feel
uncomfortable (fever, headache, cough etc.)
Acknowledged and attested this day of , 2020 Student Name | Parent/Guardian/Caregiver/Student age 18+ Signature |
For travellers without symptoms of COVID-19 returning to Canada
For travellers without symptoms of COVID-19 returning to Canada
Mandatory quarantine
The Government of Canada has put in place emergency measures to slow the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in Canada. You must quarantine for 14 days, provide contact information and monitor yourself for symptoms subject to any Order made under the Quarantine Act imposing isolation or quarantine requirements upon entry.
Your compliance with this Order is subject to verification and enforcement. Those in violation may face transfer to a quarantine facility as well as fines and/or imprisonment. Keep this instruction handout to support your compliance with the requirements outlines below.
- • Ensure you have a suitable place of quarantine that has access to the necessities of life and is not shared with those at risk of more severe disease.
- • Do not quarantine in places you can’t separate yourself from those who live with you. For example: o in a group or communal living setting;
- o in a household with large families or many people;
- o in a shared a small apartment, or have roommates who have not travelled with you; or
- o at a camp, student dorm or other group setting where there is close contact and shared common spaces.
- • Go directly to your place of quarantine without delay and stay there for 14 days from the date you arrived in Canada.
- • You must wear a suitable non-medical mask or face covering while in transit, unless you are alone in a private vehicle.
- • Practise physical distancing at all times.
- • Where possible, use only private transportation such as a private vehicle to reach your place of quarantine.
- • Avoid contact with others while in transit: o Remain in the vehicle as much as possible;
- o If you need gas, pay at the pump;
- o If you need food, use a drive through;
- o If you need to use a rest area, put on your mask and be mindful of physical distancing and good hygiene practices.
Some provinces and territories have additional travel restrictions
Please refer to the list of provincial and territorial websites for more information.
You must monitor your health for 14 days
If you start experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, fever equal to or greater than 38°C, chills, fatigue or weakness, muscle or body aches, new loss of smell or taste, headache, gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting; or feeling very unwell):
- • isolate yourself from others.
- • follow the COVID-19 instructions of the local public health authority.
The 14-day period starts again if, during your quarantine period, you develop any signs and symptoms of COVID-19, including those noted above, or if you are exposed to another person subject to this Order who exhibits signs and symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19.
For information on flights, cruise ships or trains (any public conveyance) where you may have been exposed to COVID-19 during recent travel, please refer to Locations where you may have been exposed to COVID-19.
For information on risk factors for increased exposure to COVID-19 and/or more severe disease or outcomes, please refer to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Prevention and risks.
To help reduce the spread of COVID-19
- • Go directly to your place of quarantine, and avoid making any stops while in transit.
- • Check-in within 48 hours of arrival through the ArriveCAN app or call 1-833-641-0343.
- • Report your symptoms through the ArriveCAN app or call 1-833-641-0343 every day until the end of your 14-day quarantine.
What you can and cannot do during your 14-day quarantine
Prohibited during quarantine:
- • You may not leave your place of quarantine unless it is to seek time-sensitive medical services, or you have received authorization for a limited release from quarantine on compassionate grounds and stringently follow directives provided.
- • You may not have any guests even if you are outside and stay 2-m apart from them.
- • Do not use shared spaces such as lobbies, courtyards, restaurants, gyms or pools.
Permitted during quarantine:
In your place of quarantine you may:
- • Live with family/friends who didn’t travel with you provided you have a separate bedroom and bathroom, if possible.
- • Use shared spaces such as a kitchen, provided you: o limit interactions with others in the household and wear a mask or face covering if a 2-m distance cannot be maintained;
- o thoroughly and regularly clean common areas after use.
- • Use private outdoor spaces (i.e. balcony).
Recommended during quarantine:
- • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
- • Avoid touching your face.
- • Χοϖερ ψουρ μουτη ανδ νοσε ωιτη ψουρ αρμ ωηεν ψου χουγη ορ σνεεζε.
You will be called from 1-888-336-7735 to verify your compliance during your 14-day quarantine.
Note that you may also be contacted by provincial/territorial authorities throughout your 14-day quarantine. If federal and provincial/territorial guidelines differ, you should follow the most precautionary and stringent requirements.
Public Health Authorities Provinces and Territories | Telephone number | Website |
British Columbia | 811 | |
Alberta | 811 | |
Saskatchewan | 811 | |
Manitoba | 1-888-315-9257 | |
Ontario | 1-866-797-0000 | |
Quebec | 1-877-644-4545 | |
New Brunswick | 811 | |
Nova Scotia | 811 | |
Prince Edward Island | 811 | |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 811 or 1-888-709-2929 | |
Nunavut | 1-867-975-5772 | |
Northwest Territories | 811 | |
Yukon | 811 | |