2020, Special Graduation Season

    With the coming of the graduation season, many students will leave the campus and embark on a new journey in life. Affected by the Covid-19, although all aspects of the Covid-19 have been severely affected this year, the students of the Elite Academic School have received good news frequently. Congratulations to all the students for their offers!

    With dreams and longings, the 2020 graduates are about to embark on a new life journey. At this time of the year, the principal and teachers will give the students the "last lesson" at the graduation ceremony, lighting up the lights with the heart of the teacher, and teaching the students again. Affected by the Covid-19 this year, this graduation season has made this graduation season unique, but what remains the same is the sincere teachings and eager expectations of the teachers.

Congrats to: 

Yixuan Cao 

        University of Toronto:  Studies in Communication, Culture,Information and Technology / Physical and Environmental Sciences 

        Macmaster University: Social Science 

        University of Ottawa:  Mathematics 

        York University:  Computer Science 

Yaxin Chen

        University of Toronto: Life Sciences/ Co-op Physical and Environmental Sciences 

 Ziyue Chen

        University of Ottawa: Music 

Meizhi Dong

        University of Toronto: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics / Physical and Environmental Sciences 

Xun Gu

        University of Toronto:  Social Science 

        York University: Financial and Business Economics 

Shuhan Guo

        Trent University:  Entrepreneurship 

        York University:  Financial and Business Economics 

Zhen Guo

        University of Toronto:  Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics  / Physical and Environmental Sciences 

        York University: Computer Science 

Xinyu Ji

        University of Toronto:  Social Science 

        York University:  Financial and Business Economics 

        Western University: Management and Organizational Studies 

Xinjie Lian      

                       York University: Financial and Business Economics 

                        Western University: ESL

Lei Liu         

              York University: Human Resources Management 

Longyu Qian    

                      York University: Statistics  / Business Economics 

Haizhou Yang     

         Western University: ESL

Yubian Yang    

     Western University: Social Science 

Yuanhuai Yi    

                        Western University: Social Science 

      York University: Economics 

      Brock University: ESL

Shiwei Yu 

    University of Toronto: Psychology

    University of Ottawa: Financial Mathematics and Economic (Co-op) / Biopharmaceutical science (Co-op)

    Ryerson University: Financial Mathematics

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology: Finance

Pengyu Zhi

        University of Toronto: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics / Physical and Environmental Sciences 

Chufeng Zhou

    York University: Media, performance and Design / Urban Studies

    Ryerson University: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Fanbu Zhou         

     University of Toronto: Management    

     York University: Human Resources Management